It’s very difficult to achieve anything if you don’t think about it positively.
This includes achieving your ideal healthy weight.
It’s very easy make to plans for losing weight, whatever that might involve.
The problems can come when you actually need to eat less and exercise more. And you need to stick with this until your weight-loss goals have been achieved.
Here are three suggestions to help you develop positive thinking processes to help you lose weight and power through to your ideal weight. You can include these as part of your weight-loss program planning.
Rearrange your thought process
If you have a bad feeling about trying to lose weight it may be that you are thinking about it in an unhelpful way. You need to rearrange your thought process about weight loss to make you feel better about it.
Psychologists have a name for this thought rearrangement process. They call it “reframing”.
Rearranging your thoughts so you have a better feeling about the things you need to do to lose weight would be called, “positive reframing”.
If you think negatively about following a healthy diet and doing more exercise then you will generate bad feelings about these things. This will make it unlikely that you will succeed in losing the weight you want to lose.
If you think positively about your new diet and exercise regime than that is likely to make you feel good about it. This will make it more likely that you will stick to your diet and do the exercise you need to do.
An important part of positive thinking is belief.
If you don’t believe you can lose the weight then you won’t do the things you need to do for successful weight-loss.
Imagining how things will be when you have lost the weight will help with this. Try to experience this in advance as outlined below:
- Picture yourself having lost the weight and see how great you look.
- Imagine how great you will feel when when you have reached your target weight.
- Hear people commenting on how much better you look now that you have lost the excess weight.
This visualisation of success will motivate you and make you think and feel more positively about your weight-loss diet and exercise program.
Talk to yourself in the mirror
Have a look in the mirror and speak positively to yourself. This can feel a little strange at first, but it is very helpful when trying to be more positive.
The voice inside your head can be very critical and tell you that you are wasting your time, and that we will never lose any weight. You might also imagine other people thinking that you won’t be able to do it, even when they probably aren’t.
When you hear yourself saying what you intend to do it can have a powerful effect on you. You actually hear how much weight you are going to lose and how you are going to lose it.
This makes you feel more accountable to yourself, and you will become more committed to your weight-loss program.
Give yourself passes
We often slip-up on a program aimed at achieving some goal. This can make us think that that is the end of it, and we might as well give up altogether.
This isn’t true, so don’t be so hard on yourself if you do slip-up.
If you eat a burger, or skip your exercise because you don’t feel like doing it, just accept these things happen and move on.
So long as you are moving towards your goal the odd mistake doesn’t matter. Just go back to your program and pick up where you left-off.
As Tony Robbins says, “it’s not what you do occasionally that matters – it’s what you do consistently that makes the difference”.
This is where belief is important.
If you believe that what you are doing will let you achieve your ideal healthy weight, then occasionally falling off the program for a little while doesn’t matter.
You do have to get back on the program as quickly as possible though.
Say positive, and go for it!
There are plenty of reasons to lose weight, but having a positive attitude to weight-loss and the things you need to do can be hard.
So here’s a quick summary of what we’ve looked at.
Rearranging your thought processes to look more positively at what you need to do to lose weight will help you to get on with those things.
Looking in the mirror and telling yourself what you want to do helps to reinforce your commitment.
Giving yourself a pass when you slip-up helps you stay on track and and not give up.
Okay, let’s go!
The post Positive thinking for weight-loss appeared first on Discovering Healthy.